Category: Technique

  • Oregano and Marjoram Drying Process for Flavorful Cooking | Zanganeh Garden

    Drying Oregano, Marjoram, Chamomile & Other Herbs Oregano is coming in strong as spring progresses. It is always a reliable herb in our garden, hardy and prolific. Left to its own it might take over the garden! We love the flavor of herbs in our cooking. It is the month of May and oregano is…

  • Paper Seed Starting Pots: From Grocery Bags

    Make Your Own Pots There are many options for seed starting, from plastic trays, individual plastic pots, peat pots, paper pots, soil blocking, and more. There are pros and cons of each approach. This post is about recycling paper grocery bags into degradable paper pots for seedlings. There are paper pots available in various forms…

  • Protecting Pomegranates from Squirrels

    Squirrels in the garden can be cute, however the squirrels in our neighborhood think we have opened an all you can eat restaurant. When it comes to pomegranates, last year they ate every single one! We have tried a number of ways to keep them off the pomegranates. We even built a large cage of…

  • A Low Cost Raised Bed

    Raised garden beds help improve garden production and help keep everything neat and organized. Although you can find raised beds to purchase, to get a large and durable one is expensive. We looked at various materials and designs for building raised beds, including corrugated steel roofing panels, concrete blocks and wood. Wood is a great…